Google Apps Script has a new editor, which is better, nicer, and completed ready for future new features.
Today, I would like to introduce you to several dirty & secret tricks, what you can do.
(All shortcuts have been tested on MacOS)

Today, I would like to introduce you to several dirty & secret tricks, what you can do.
(All shortcuts have been tested on MacOS)
#1 Change order of your files in Apps Script project
#2 When you click save, all project's files are saved
#3 Show / hide not used code in function(s) with small arrow
#4 Exchange two lines with [ALT] + [UP] or [ALT] + [DOWN]
#5 Copy line below or above with [ALT] + [SHIFT]+ [UP] or [ALT] + [SHIFT] + [DOWN]
#6 Expand or shrink block selection with [CTRL] + [SHIFT]+[CMD]+ [LEFT] or [CTRL] + [SHIFT]+[CMD]+ [RIGHT]
#7 Multi-cursor for editing more lines together [ALT] + click to position
#8 Better code refactoring with Rename symbol, which replaces all findings
#9 Peek definition is best quick insight about function definition
#10 Code suggestion for native JavaScript objects (e.g. Date) is available
#11 Always visible panel with execution logs
#12 Different colors console.warn() and console.error()