Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hosting for your files instead of Google Drive #2 (Firebase)

In my previous blogpost I have described first alternative for hosting files instead of Google Drive - Google Storage.

Today I would like to introduce another alternative - Firebase. It is a real-time database for saving JSON objects through REST API. The Firebase also offers hosting for your files, which are served under HTTPS.  Moreover, a free plan is available. You can upload for hosting 5 GB with max. traffic 30 GB. There is also a paid plan, where you can get more storage/transfer and setup custom domain. (Firebase pricing)
Let's go!

1) First open console with your Google Account

2) Create new project (or import your Google Cloud project and connect to it)

3) Choose project name (I recommend to choose more memorable URL address lik Dont forget that must be unique)

4) Now you have to install firebase tools on your computer via npm.
Note. If you have never used npm to install app, please download and install nodejs (npm - node package manager is included)

If you have already installed nodejs, you can type into shell/command line
npm install -g firebase-tools

5) Login into your Google Account. Type
firebase login
and authorize access in opened browser

6) Type first command  to run code initialization.
firebase init

7) Then select Database row with arrows keys UP/DOWN and press SPACE key.
We want to confgure and deploy only Hosting options.
( ) Database
(*) Hosting

8) Select Firebase project

9) Choose which directory will be setup as public (=contains files hosted on Firebase). Public is as a default opt

10) Don't configure as single-page app, because all assets will be redirect to index.html (press N)

11) The last step is to deploy files into Firebase by code (Rememeber, that you should be in your directory)
firebase deploy

12) Now you can access your project at URL name

Every deployment is logged in dashboard, where you can revert into any previous version/state.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hosting for your files instead of Google Drive (Google Storage)

A lot of not only Google Apps Script developers and users have used Google Drive feature to host any file as webhosting. It was useful for CSS files, images, JavaScript libraries, which can be used in code. Deployment was very easy - you have just copied files into specific folder and change sharing options.

Google recently announced, that hosting feature will be deprecated (more information here). Users have, according to deprecation policy, one year to find out a new place where to store files.

I was thinking about several options, so I would like to bring some alternatives.

The first one is Google Storage, which is a part of Google Cloud platform

Google Storage allows you to host any file with advanced possibilities like control who can read/write, monitor of traffic etc.

The main advantage is connection with App Script. Every Apps Script project has also Cloud project in Developers console (

From Google Apps Script editor choose Resources --> Advanced Google services

In the new window, click at link "These services must also be enabled in the Google Developers Console."

In Developer console,  select Storage - Cloud storage. If you open console for the first time, you have to click button Enable billing (In this section you will fill in credentials like your name or number of credit card)

Now it is time to Create a bucket. Have you ever heard about it? The bucket is virtual space, where your objects (files) are stored. You can have serveral buckets for one Cloud project

Select name of the bucket. Important - this name must be unique in all Google Cloud Storage platform

Now you can create a new folder inside the bucket and upload files - by clicking button or drag'n'drop like in Google Drives. It is similar, isn't it ?

The last thing is publish on the web by click on checkbox

The final URI will like:
Now you can insert your file in your Apps Script HTMLService code or send link to someone else.

Google Storage is a paid service, but the price is low and according to using of service (=cloud).There are three main questions for you
  1. How much data do you need to store ? (1GB per month = $0.026)
  2. How many requests do you do? (10 000 requests for $0.01)
  3. What is total traffic through your bucket ( 1GB of traffic in EMEA/AMERICA= $0.12)

So if you are planning to host 10 MB ($0.01) with total loading 100 000x ($0.01) and traffic 1GB ($0.12), you will finally get receipt $0.14 for month!

Google prepared online tool to get information about price:

I am just starting use this way to host files, but I have already recognize "best pattern". Its looks like, that is better to create one main project in Developer Console, which wont be connected to any GAS  project. Then for every GAS project create a new bucket..